The wonderful Diane at
Vintage Zest has tagged me in "6 Things About Me." I thought it'd be good to participate as some of these questions are different than others I've had to answer before-- and you can learn a little more about me! (
Thanks for the tag, Diane!)
1. What is your favorite animal and why?
I really love dogs because they're awesome! Hence why we had 14 by the time we left Philippines (but that wasn't on purpose). My favorite breeds are French Bulldogs and Pugs. My family and I used to have a pug and I just loved her personality. And it's true what they say- pugs are so ugly that they're cute! And I've just fallen in love with French Bulldogs over the past few years. My husband posted this link on my Facebook wall the other day, and I just about died with happiness and from all the cuteness:
41 reasons why pugs are the most majestic creatures on earth. I don't know when we'll be able to have a dog (or dogs) again, but I hope it's soon!
I especially loved this photo because it has my two fave breeds in one picture! {via} |
Besides dogs, I like elephants as they symbolize wisdom in many cultures. And they're just incredibly smart animals.
2. Would you prefer a city break or a sun, sea, and sand vacation?
Definitely a sun, sea & sand vacation! I'm a California girl through and through. Being relocated to Tennessee has been a little tough because I miss the beach a lot. I especially love tropical beaches where the weather is as warm as the water. I want to be laying in soft sand, wading in clear blue water, sipping on coconut straight from the tree. *sigh*
3. If you could travel to one place in the world, where would it be?
Most of you know that I have several places I want to travel to- not just one! But I suppose if I had to choose only one place, it'd probably be somewhere in Europe because I haven't been in several years. Amsterdam is high up on my list. So is Barcelona. Oh- and so is Italy. Geeze- you see! I can't pick just one!
4. How many countries have you traveled to? How many of the 50 states?
Let's see- for countries, I've been to Canada, Mexico, Philippines, Japan, Costa Rica, Panama, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Gibraltar, Palau, Ecuador, Peru, Thailand, Malaysia, and South Korea. So 16 total-- not enough!
For states- I've been to 19 of them.
5. What did you want to be when you grew up and what do you do now?
Throughout my childhood, I wanted to be several different things- a teacher, a rapper (yes- a rapper), pediatrician, physical therapist, occupational therapist.... Now I am an ESL teacher AND Registered Dental Assistant who currently works at a daycare as an associate teacher (what a combo, right?). Not my dream job, but we're working on getting there.
6. What is the LAST concert you went to?
Not counting local shows or anything- the last major concert I went to was back in 2011 to see Mayer Hawthorne, Janelle Monae and Bruno Mars.
The 6 bloggers I tag are:
- Lisa at
Meanderings, Adventures and Crafty Inspirations
- Kari at
This, too
- Aryn at
Driftwood & Daydreams
- Selma at
Crazy Little World of Mine
- Samantha at
Life Style Love
- Kam at
Anchors, Bows and a Doxie
Here are the questions (choose 6):
What is your favorite animal and why?
Would you prefer a city break or a sun, sea, and sand vacation?
If you could travel to one place in the world, where would it be?
How many countries have you traveled to? How many of the 50 states?
What is your favorite thing about yourself (or quality you like in others if you don't wanna talk about yourself)?
What is the best advice someone has ever given you?
What did you want to be when you grew up and what do you do now?
What is a pet peeve of yours?
What is the LAST concert you went to?
What is something not a lot of people would know about you?
As always- even if I didn't directly tag you- please feel free to play along anyways!