I wasn't able to blog much in November due to a few things, but I was able to do some posts nonetheless.
Here's what went down at Latitude Adjustment in Noviembre:
- The horrific Typhoon Yolanda hit the Philippines earlier in the month. I posted about my family's situation (and a quick update- we finally did get to hear from them about 5 days later. Everyone is alive and well. Thanks for all the good vibes and prayers!). I also posted about ways you can help survivors (and many organizations are still helping with relief efforts!).
- I posted some of my dream travel destinations in Europe.
- I was only able to do one Photo Friday in November-- and it was from Thailand.
- I participated in a Sunday Social- something I haven't done in quite a while.
- I participated in my very first Cara Box Exchange!
- For this month's Wanderlust Wednesday, I talked about food in South Korea (yummy!).
- My husband did another Boys Behind the Blog post for me-- this time it's about music & what he's thankful for.
- One of my pre-k kids had one of the cutest answers to "How to Cook a Turkey..."
- I made a Happy List.
- And last but not least, I posted about our humble and quiet Thanksgiving that we had.