February 09, 2014

The Sunday Currently, volume 2

C U R R E N T L Y ...

R E A D I N G  a bunch of books from the "... for Dummies" series and the "The Complete Idiot's Guide to..." series that I checked out from the library (like Blogging for Dummies, Flat Belly Cooking for Dummies, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Natural Remedies). I don't think of myself as a dummy or an idiot, but I do like these series and the simple, easy-to-understand format they present information.

W R I T I N G  my Valentine cards for my kids (since this will be the only time for me to get them done!).

L I S T E N I N G  to my Pandora on shuffle (which includes my Mos Def, J. Cole, Beyonce, Erykah Badu, Janelle Monae and Lauryn Hill stations).

T H I N K I N G about how much I dislike my husband working a retail job. We hardly ever get a full day off together. Sad face.

S M E L L I N G the remnants of the random scramble J whipped up for breakfast where he just basically raided the fridge and put in a bunch of leftovers- which included chicken nuggets, eggs, spinach, and garlic knots. But I'm not even gonna lie- it was pretty good.

W I S H I N G there were more hours in a day to get things done!

H O P I N G this week's weather will be better! *knock on wood*

W E A R I N G  leggings a lot lately and slowly ditching jeans. I mean, leggings are just way more comfortable!

L O V I N G my "Body Shaping" fitness class I joined last week!

W A N T I N G  an hour (or several hours) long foot massage and scalp massage. I told J that if when he makes it and we have a lot of extra money, I'm just going to hire someone to come over whenever I want and give me foot rubs and scalp massages.

N E E D I N G (see above)

F E E L I N G like I have a million things to do and not enough time. But I just need to chill out. Things will work out the way they're supposed to. (Be good to me, universe.)


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  1. I love a good foot massage!

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

  2. I totally hear you on the leggings thing! I am starting to think jeans are SO overrated! So restricting haha!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. I'm with you on the leggings too! Actually, I'm way into skirts and loose leg pants the past few months, but I'd like some comfy leggings too. I'm ALL for comfort :)

    1. I wish I could wear skirts-- way too cold here right now! Hopefully it'll warm up soon, though!

  4. I so agree about the leggings. They are my go to choice now. I found some fleece-lined ones for $10, so that's pretty much what I wear on the weekends. Jeans are just too restrictive:) How did you like the Blogging for Dummies book? I'm thinking that may be helpful for me:) Hope you're having a great day!

    1. Oooo, I've been wanting to get fleece-lined ones! The book is pretty good. A lot of it I already knew, but there's also a lot I didn't (i.e. tips to make money with my blog). I just checked it out from the library.

  5. I've really been enjoying your blog! I just discovered it a few weeks ago. Wish I could travel and enjoy! Great music, btw.


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