August 21, 2013

Travel-Themed Rooms

I love Pinterest. Not a surprise, because really, who doesn't?? I've come across some really cute travel-themed rooms via pins-- living rooms, bedrooms, nurseries, etc. etc. And I can't wait to own a home and/or hostel so I can travel my home all up! I wanted to share some of the cute stuff I've come across. They've really given me a lot of inspiration! You can click on the photo to be taken to the pin.

Cute stuff, right? There's so much you can do to keep a room travel-themed. I have so many ideas in my head, I can't wait until I can put them into action! 
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  1. I love travel-themed rooms, and these all are fantastic! I have big maps up in a few rooms in my house. There's just something so romantic about old maps. One of my favorite presents from my husband is a giant old map he framed for me and hung in our dining room. I'm sure you'll create the most beautiful travel-themed room when the time comes, and I can't wait to see it!

  2. Ooh! I'm repinning a bunch of these for sure!

  3. these are wonderful! My dream house includes a small reading room that is travel themed ... a girl can dream :)

  4. What fun ways to incorporate travel into the decor! I adore those globe hanging lights. So much. SOOOO much!

  5. Fun things!! I just found some maps someone was throwing away the other night - they´re of areas around Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia. I´m going to put them on a slate of wood and put pictures and things on it :) Thanks for the ideas!


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